Shelter for the homeless:

Imagine a cold night, the wind whipping around you, and nowhere to call home. Summer, winter or rain with no roof over your head. This is the harsh reality for countless individuals and families struggling with homelessness. A bed to sleep, a place of comfort – these basic needs become distant dreams for many. But, Ummeed Roshni Ki steps in to bridge this gap by providing shelter to the homeless. We believe a home is more than bricks and mortar; it’s the foundation for a life filled with dignity and possibility.

In reality, homelessness doesn’t only come with generational poverty. It can strike anyone, at any time. Job loss, illness, or a personal crisis can leave individuals and families vulnerable. The consequences are far-reaching, impacting not just physical well-being but also mental health. Many experiencing homelessness face uncertainty, fear,  the constant worry of where to sleep and how to stay safe. Many develop health Issues due to the lack of proper shelter,  harsh weather conditions and increased risk of illness.

Building a Brighter Future

At Ummeed Roshni Ki, we offer a beacon of hope: temporary housing that provides a safe and secure environment. We offer hundreds of people a safe and hygienic place to live in. A warm bed to sleep in, basic amenities and food to eat. To make it possible, we collaborate with the community, receive donations, help people register for government housing schemes or crowdfund to put a roof over many. In addition, our support goes beyond shelter. We offer a holistic approach through essential services:

  • Nourishing Meals: Nutritious food to regain strength and well-being.
  •  Essential Supplies: Clothing, toiletries, and basic necessities to maintain hygiene and dignity.
  • Healthcare Assistance: Access to medical care to address health concerns.
  • Mental Health Counseling: Supportive therapy to overcome emotional challenges.
  •  Empowerment Programs: Job training and education resources to equip individuals for a brighter future.

We envision a world where everyone has a place to call home. Your support, in whatever form, fuels that vision

How You Can Be a Part of the Change?
  • Volunteer your time: Become a beacon of hope yourself. Share your skills, offer companionship, or help with job searches.
  • Donate essential items: A warm blanket, a hygiene kit, or a can of food – every little bit makes a difference.
  • Make a financial contribution: Fuel our mission and empower individuals to rebuild their lives.

Together, let’s create a brighter future, one roof, one life, at a time

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